Storie di pasta: pasta making & Italian language workshop
Storie di pasta is a delightful immersion in culinary traditions, a tasty way to discover the secrets of pasta-making, a social moment with an ancient flavour, a delicious way to get started with the Italian language and culture or, if you already speak Italian, a mouth-watering way to practice your listening skills and cooking vocabulary in Italian.
Storie di pasta is the result of a meeting between creativities: that of an Italian teacher (Nomad Teacher Giovanna) - who finds new ways to offer authentic Italian experiences and to promote different cultures' meetings, and that of an Italian artist (Chiara Dellerba) - who starts from traditions to build strategies in which caring, resting, pausing, and breaking can be re/claimed as political acts by and for everyone.
2 hours lesson & workshop
2 different levels
engaging live session and hands-on workshop, online via Zoom
photo by Chiara Dellerba